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The watercolors of Christopher WYNN

watercolor artist of Contemporary Realism


Christopher majored in fine art at the University of Washington, Seattle, and the University of California Berkeley, where he graduated with a B.S.. Further studies include Otis Parsons and Santa Monica JC ( with the artist Steve Anaya) in Los Angeles, and Foothill JC in Los Altos, CA.


After graduating, he worked for years as an art director and creative director for numerous corporations and advertising agencies on the West Coast. In 1992 he began and produced artwork and campaigns for many of Silicon Valley's largest and most successful companies.


In 2005 and 2006, Christopher circumvented the globe solo for seven months to paint watercolors plein aire in over 24 countries.


Currently, his watercolors are represented by a number of art galleries and art venues on the East and West Coast, and in and around Richmond, Virginia in particular.


Christopher has won well over 60 National and International Awards for both his design and fine art.


Signature Memberships:


Southern Watercolor Society

Virginia Watercolor Society

Missouri Watercolor Society


Further memberships in:


National Watercolor Society

American Watercolor Society

Transparent Watercolor Society of America

The American Artists Professional League, NYC

Philadelphia Watercolor Society

Watercolor West

Bon Air Artists Association


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